Wednesday, November 19, 2008


2dea iis de last dea of school !! tyme goes so fast !! todea is the most memoral day . ohhkayys lets tok about it . today i worte some latters to my besties & bought some SOFT TOY !! tats childish alright (: but they do lyk it alot ,, E.G , THEY TOK WITH IT ,THEY TREAT THEM AS THEIR CHILDREN , THER GAVE IT A NAME . you know whye they did tis ,cause they are CHILDISH as i said . we are e mad garl in school !! we were shouting all about . runing all about . crowded at one table . toking lyk wat . hugging each other , canus it the last day of school . ( tis is wat we usually do after exam ) mye bestie means alot to me !! mye bestie were ; SYAA , SERI, CHARM , CHEULE . i love them .ohh ya . mye bestie wrote me a poems .

Dear karyl,

Thanks for all the memories .
T can't believe tat the year is alredie over in a blink of an eye . <3.
I'm sure much tears were shed,
but I'm also nery sure our laughter
drowned them out .
You never will know how much much you mean to me .
I can't believe we'r gonna be torn apart .
How m I gonna live wifout you ?
Hopefull , we will be in the same class .
I'll always remember you as a friend and even more each day . (:
we might have to let go of our past , but we don't have to let go of each other
cause I want you to know that my life won't be complete without you ,
like a christmas tree without decorations.
Saying goodbye might not be the hardest , but not being with you is . I worte this latter thinking of you and our memories . Alwis remember where ever you are , I'm always with you in my heart . Rock on baybeh .

LOVE always , Chermine .

My Bestie FOREVER !!

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